
Package nxml-mode-20041004-4

SystemSource DistributionsBinary Distributions
stable RSS feed stableunstable RSS feed unstablestableunstable
13.0/arm64 *
13.0/x86_64 *
12.0/arm64 *
12.0/x86_64 *
11.3/arm64 *
11.3/x86_64 *
11.0/x86_64 *
10.8/x86_64 *
10.7/x86_64 *
10.6/x86_64 *
10.6/i386 *
10.5/i386 *
10.5/powerpc *
10.4/i386 *
10.4/powerpc *
10.3/powerpc *
10.2-gcc3.3/powerpc *
10.2/powerpc *
10.1/powerpc *
Description:   Emacs - Major mode for editing XML documents (20041004-4)
nXML mode is an addon for GNU Emacs, which makes GNU Emacs into a powerful XML editor. It's called nXML mode because in Emacs terminology addons that customize Emacs for editing text of a particular sort are called modes. Emacs already has a simple mode for XML; nXML mode is a new mode for XML. You should realize that Emacs with nXML mode differs from most XML editors in that XML is edited as text. What you see while you are editing is similar to what you would see if you were using a non-XML aware text editor. nXML mode does not attempt to conceal the XML tags. The big advantage is that you do not lose any functionality in moving from a text editor to nXML mode. All normal text editing commands can be used with nXML mode without restriction. nXML mode does not require that the XML document always be valid or even well-formed. nXML mode allows a schema to be associated with the XML document being edited. The schema is used to provide two key features: Continuous validation. nXML validates as you type, highlighting any invalid parts of your document. Completion. nXML can assist you in entering an element name, attribute name or data value by using information about what is allowed by the schema in that context. nXML mode uses Relax NG as its schema language. Relax NG has two alternative syntaxes: an XML syntax and a more readable, non-XML compact syntax. nXML mode supports the compact syntax. There are tools available to translate from DTDs and other schema languages into Relax NG compact syntax. Schemas for DocBook, XHTML, XSLT, RDF and RELAX NG are included in the nXML mode download. nXML mode can also be used without any schema. Features that work without any schema include support for inserting end-tags easily.
Usage Hints:   
To use nxml-mode automatically for files with an extension of xml, xsl, rng or xhtml, add (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.\\(xml\\|xsl\\|rng\\|xhtml\\)\\'" . nxml-mode) auto-mode-alist)) to your .emacs. If you edit XML using iso-8859-N encodings other than iso-8859-1 and you are running Emacs 21.3 or later, then I recommend enabling unify-8859-on-decoding-mode, by adding (unify-8859-on-decoding-mode) to your .emacs.
Section:   10.4-EOL/editors
Maintainer:   Rohan Lloyd <finkATrohanlDOTcom>
License:   GPL
Info-File:   dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/10.4-EOL/editors/
Commit log, Last Changed: Wed, 13 Jun 2018 07:59:07 (UTC)

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